Saturday, April 29, 2017

Nitheen Kumar

Joomla Interview Questions and Answers


1) What web services does Joomla Support?

Joomla supports Remote Procedure Calls and XML-RPC services.

2) what is Joomla?

Joomla is a content management system. It allows you to build online applications and web sites. Joomla is an open source and available freely.

3) List out the benefits of using Joomla?

Benefits of Joomla is It is an open source software Tons of free components are available in Permission and user role are inbuilt with Joomla It allows to update your old Joomla from the admin section Templates are available free of cost and can apply with one click.

4) What is the position in Joomla?

A site template divides the page into a number of positions like nav, header, footer, top, bottom, module1, etc. This is nothing but position.

5) what are Joomla Modules?

Modules are small content items which can be displayed anywhere in websites by assigning positions in the template.

6) Where can you see the use of Joomla frequently?

Joomla is frequently seen in Corporate web sites or portals Corporate intranets and extranets Online magazines, newspapers and publications Non-profit organizational web sites Community-based portals Personal or family homepages

7)  How you change favicon?

By accessing global configuration site tab, you can manage favicon and upload a new favicon from there.

8) what are components in Joomla?

Components are core elements of Joomla’s functionality. These core elements include content, banners, contact, polls, news feed and web links

9) what is the difference between Drupal and Joomla?

Joomla Drupal
  • Joomla uses plugin and modules
  • Drupal has a module only
  • In order to support php code in Joomla, you need to install plugin
  • You can directly write PHP code in Drupal
  • Relatively lower technical learning curve
  • Relatively higher technical learning curve
  • Joomla uses Less and BootStrap.
  • Drupal use smarty template
10) By default what is the prefix Joomla have?

Joomla have prefix like jos_

11) What are the advanced features or add-ons in Joomla that can be useful for the developer?

Joomla framework enables developer to build quickly and easily Inventory control systems Data reporting tools Application bridges Custom product catalogs Integrated e-commerce systems Complex business directories Reservation systems Communication tools

12) In Joomla cms what is the file where database setting are stored?

Database setting are stored in the root directory under configuration.php

13) Mention how many files are required to built module in Joomla?

mod_module_name.php mod_module_name.xml

14) What happens if you set the SSL enabled option to on?

The link from the menu will begin with an https:// if you set the SSL enabled option to on

15) To set the site meta-data for the installed website which option will you choose?

To set the site meta-data for the installed website, you have to choose “Global Configuration.”

16) Which file does the index.php file load to provide a menu bar to the administrator interface?

Toolbar.php file is loaded by index.php file to provide a menu bar to the administrator interface

17) Is there any possibility with Joomla to control a desktop application?

Most of the CMS ( Content Management System ) is considered as a web applications. However, even desktop application can also be communicated with Joomla server by following the standard protocols.

18) Explain what are mambots and mention their categories?

In Joomla mambots are mini-programmes or plugins, which performs programs like modifying content before display, extending the site search, adding core functionality and so on Content Editors Editors-xtd Search System.

19) how you can install an extension in Joomla?

From the backend of your Joomla site ( administration ) select installers and then the type of extension ( component, mambot/plugin, module, site template and so on ) First browse for the package file Click the install icon Follow instructions For large extension, you cannot use the automated installer. In such case Unzip all the files locally In the install directory transfer the files to a folder Then use installer to install the file

20) What database system does Joomla supports?

Joomla supports MySql database

21) In Joomla how you can change the images in your template?

To change the image in your template, go to Go to Site Select template manager and then select your template Click the icon for html

22) what are the drawbacks of Joomla?

The drawback of Joomla are At times Joomla’s code can become messy, this will make page loading time longer Its architecture limits how many levels of sub categories can be created

23) In Joomla what determines the homepage?

Joomla does not have html pages as such it is a database driven CMS (Content Management System), but rather pulls up the pieces of pages from a Mysql database. When you install Joomla by default, it has a menu link to the frontpage component as the home page. However, any component or content or another link can be used as a “home” page

24) Is Joomla a Blog?

Joomla can be used as a blog, but it way more powerful and feature rich compared to full-blown blog systems like WordPress. Joomla should be preferred when your requirements are more than just blogging.

25) what are content items, section and categories in Joomla?

Contents are the html pages which are managed by admin, and it may have rich text, CSS, JavaScript, Images, links to internal or external pages. While contents are categorized in categories, for example X category have zero or more contents pages While categories are again classified in section, means 1 section have zero or more categories.

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