Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Nitheen Kumar

Asp.net core 6 interview questions and answers


 Here are some common interview questions and answers related to .NET Core 6:

What is .NET Core 6, and how is it different from previous versions of .NET Core?

.NET Core 6 is an open-source, cross-platform framework for building modern applications. It's the latest iteration in the .NET Core series and offers improved performance, new features, and enhanced support for various platforms and workloads. It also provides LTS (Long-Term Support) for three years.

What are the key features of .NET Core 6?

Some key features of .NET Core 6 include enhanced performance, support for C# 10, new language features, improved platform support, and increased security. It also offers better support for cloud-native and microservices development.

Explain the concept of Web API in .NET Core 6.

Web API in .NET Core 6 is a framework for building HTTP services that can be consumed by various clients, including web applications and mobile apps. It is based on RESTful principles and is used for creating endpoints that can handle HTTP requests and responses.

What is gRPC, and how does it relate to .NET Core 6?

gRPC is a high-performance, language-agnostic remote procedure call (RPC) framework developed by Google. .NET Core 6 provides built-in support for creating gRPC services, enabling efficient communication between services in a microservices architecture.

What is the significance of nullable reference types in C# 10 (which is part of .NET Core 6)?

Nullable reference types are a feature in C# 10 that help in preventing null reference exceptions. They allow you to express the intention of whether a reference type variable can hold a null value explicitly. This feature helps in writing safer and more robust code.

Asp.net core 6 interview questions and answers

Explain Dependency Injection in the context of .NET Core 6.

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern and a core concept in .NET Core 6. It allows you to provide dependencies (e.g., services, objects, or configurations) to a class or component rather than having the class create them itself. DI promotes loose coupling and makes your code more testable and maintainable.

How does .NET Core 6 handle multi-platform support?

.NET Core 6 supports a wide range of platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. It uses the .NET runtime and the .NET Standard to ensure that code can be run on various platforms without modification, promoting code reusability.

What is Blazor, and how does it work in .NET Core 6?

Blazor is a web framework for building interactive web applications using C# and .NET instead of JavaScript. Blazor WebAssembly allows running C# code in the browser, while Blazor Server runs on the server and uses SignalR for communication.

Explain the importance of Containerization and .NET Core 6.

.NET Core 6 is well-suited for containerization with technologies like Docker. Containerization provides a consistent environment for applications, making it easier to deploy and manage them across different platforms and cloud services.

What is the significance of Long-Term Support (LTS) in .NET Core 6, and when should you choose it for your projects?

LTS means that .NET Core 6 will receive updates and security patches for an extended period. It's a good choice for projects that require stability and long-term maintenance, such as enterprise applications, where you don't want to frequently update your framework.

Remember to be prepared to discuss your experience with .NET Core 6, provide specific examples from your work, and be ready to explain how you've used .NET Core 6 to solve real-world problems in your previous projects.

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