Monday, May 13, 2019

Nitheen Kumar

SUBSTRING Function in Ms Sql Server

SQL Server String Functions

SQL Server string functions are scalar functions that perform an operation on a string input value and return a string or numeric value.


SUBSTRING function retrieves a portion of the string starting at the specified character and bringing back the number of characters specified; the syntax is:

SUBSTRING(string, starting_character_number, number_of_characters_to_return)
The following example will retrieve four characters from the employee last names, starting at the third character:
SUBSTRING Function in Ms Sql Server
SUBSTRING Function in Ms Sql Server

SELECT SUBSTRING(LastName, 3, 4) AS PortionOfLastName FROM DimEmployee


PortionOfLastName FullLastName
lber Gilbert
mbur Tamburello
lter Walters
lter Walters

Notice that the SUBSTRING function finds the starting character by counting from the left. In other words, if we run SUBSTRING(LastName, 3, 4) against the last name of "Buchanan" we start on the 3rd character from the left - "c".

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